Search Results for: spiders

11 Places Ladybugs Go During Winter (And When They Return)

11 Places Ladybugs Go During Winter (And When They Return)

Ladybugs, also known as ladybirds or lady beetles, are one of the most easily recognized insects. While most people are familiar with their overall red color and black spots, ladybugs  come in all shapes and sizes. There are more than 6,000 species of ladybugs worldwide! Ladybugs will gather in large groups and utilize supercooling to…

7 Bugs And Insects That Love Eating Petunias (Repel Them!)

7 Bugs And Insects That Love Eating Petunias (Repel Them!)

What’s not to like about petunias? They’re easy to grow, versatile, and bursting with every color you can think of. If you take good care of your petunias but they appear haggard or wilting, bugs and insects could be to blame. Bugs and insects that eat petunias include thrips, whiteflies, cyclamen mites, spider mites, variegated…

8 Scents That Whiteflies Hate (And How To Use Them)

8 Scents That Whiteflies Hate (And How To Use Them)

The number of bugs and insects that will swarm your plants given the right environment is overwhelming! Without the presence of these pesky garden bugs and insects, our plants wouldn’t be able to thrive or produce in their given environment, so remember that next time you’re swatting away whiteflies and mosquitoes from your plants and…