7 Simple Steps to Scare Coyotes Away for Good

Coyote Looking at Camera

Some animals, like your pets, are welcome in your yard and on your property. Other wild animals like coyotes… not so much. Their yips, howls, and distinct silhouette are instantly recognizable, and they’re the stars of kids’ cartoons and folklore. But chances are you are not keen on hearing that sound near your home!

In truth, you can scare away coyotes for good by implementing hazing tactics like noisemakers or objects that scare coyotes, building a fence to keep coyotes out, removing food and water sources on your property, using scents coyotes dislike, and utilizing motion sensor lights and water sprinklers.

The following steps detail the methods and techniques you can use to solve the coyote problem on your premises. If you’re savvy with crafts, you can make many of these at home! Alternatively, there are options to purchase online.

Let’s get to it!

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Make Noise to Keep Coyotes Away

Make sure that you never run away or turn your back on a coyote. Doing that will likely cause the wild animal to come closer.

What you actually want to do if a coyote enters your yard is to stand your ground and make yourself appear big. Shout, yell, and speak authoritatively and in a commanding voice. 

Be sure to make lots of noise. Wave your arms and clap your hands. Make sure the coyote is the first one to leave. As stated above, you don’t want to turn your back on a coyote.

Your booming voice and accompanying body motions will let the coyote know that you are the one in charge, and you are not to be considered prey. They will eventually give up and run away.

Not only is this a cost-effective hazing technique, but it usually works quite well!

Use Noisemakers to Scare Coyotes

Along with making noise yourself, you can make loud noise using a variety of different things that are known to scare coyotes.

If you move efficiently once you spot a coyote, you can run into your kitchen and grab pots and pans. Bang them together and make loud noises. 

You can even bang on your garbage lid if you happen to be near it. Sound simple? Because it truly is! According to Colorado Parks and Wildlife, noises like these are likely to scare a coyote off.

If you feel that your kitchen utensils and trash can are not sufficient, you can buy whistles that have an extra loud sonic blast, such as the LuxoGear Emergency Whistles

The LuxoGear whistle specifically comes in around 120db’s, which is about as loud as a chain saw up close.

Other loud noisemakers have been used to ward away coyotes. Air horns like the Sabre Frontiersman Bear Horn could potentially be a great coyote deterrent. 

The blast is powerful and very loud. It’s also an easy device to carry around or keep handy in your yard. Notably, the Sabre Bear Horn is well designed for bears. However, the loud noise could potentially startle a coyote as well.

Let’s say you’d rather not use a noisemaker. In good news, there are a few other solutions that can be quite effective.

Build a Fence to Keep Coyotes Out

If you really want to protect your yard and anything inside of it, building a fence is a highly effective method of deterring coyotes. Unfortunately, it’s also the most expensive.

Colorado Parks and Wildlife suggests a six-foot fence as a good starting point. But this can certainly be expanded upon later if necessary. 

Building a fence is a laborious process, but if you have the time and dedication (or the expenses to hire someone!), and your situation necessitates drastic measures, this could be an effective route. 

Once you are done constructing the fence, you can also add Ultimation’s Coyote Roller Kit to the top. This product is a 3-foot roller that will prevent the coyote from climbing over the fence. Yea…Wily coyote didn’t get his name for nothing!

A sturdy and well-built fence, along with additional items like the coyote roller, is a fantastic way for you to safeguard your yard, crops, and pets.

Remove Food and Water From Your Yard

If you have pets, you may have food or water for them placed outside your home. Pet food and its aroma attract coyotes. If you eliminate free food and water, the coyotes will be less likely to keep returning.

Once your pet has been fed and is satiated, remove the dishes and empty them immediately. Be sure to store the rest of your pet food indoors or in tightly sealed containers. 

In regards to trash, either store your cans inside a shed/garage or use a tight-fitting lid. 

Alternatively, you can use a lid lock such as the Strong Strap Universal Garbage Can Lid Lock Utility Strap. This will ensure even if your garbage cans fall over, the contents will not spill out and attract coyotes.

Scare Coyotes With Light and Sound Machines

Coyotes do not like bright, harsh lights or sounds that are too loud for their sensitive ears. The new noises and visual sensations tend to scare them away initially and make them proceed with caution.

Anything as simple as holiday lights, strobe lights, and motion lights will send a coyote running away from the brightness. 

After all, coyotes like to skulk around in the dark.

Solar lights such as the URPOWER Solar Lights Outdoor Motion Sensor will flash a flood of light on the coyote, which will immediately send the animal bolting in the other direction.

You can try on light, and if it doesn’t seem to be doing the job, try a different form of deterrent. The trick is to keep changing it up on these wily creatures and keep them on their toes!

If you’re interested in using lights to deter coyotes and other wildlife, you can read our fancy guide on the subject here.

Utilize Scents That Coyotes Hate

Just like there are certain scents you may not like, there are certain scents that coyotes do not like either. They have powerful noses and a keen sense of smell, so there are a few tricks you can use to your advantage.

You can use a common household item like ammonium and place it in a spray bottle. Squirt it in certain areas where the coyotes tend to be. 

Even scents like perfume or cologne will be unpleasant for the coyote to smell. You can take any of these scents, soak them in a rag, and lay them out in your yard.

Using store-bought products like The Pee Mart’s Wolf Urine will also repel coyotes. As strange as it may sound, the smell of their natural predator’s urine is a great deterrent!

Throw Projectiles at Coyotes

Believe it or not, even something as simple as throwing things near coyotes will make them run away. This is a form of hazing and is meant to keep coyotes afraid of people. 

In the end, a fear of humans is what’s safest for wild animals. It keeps them away from conflict with people, which means less of a chance of aggressive behavior forming.

If you are in your yard, you can pick up rocks and stones and launch them in the vicinity of the coyote. Doing this repetitively should make it leave and hopefully not return.

It’s important to let the coyote know it is being hazed by a human. This means throwing rocks from behind a bush or dumpster is not going to do anything to deter a coyote from your yard.

If it can see that a human is hazing it, it will think twice about approaching a yard that commonly has humans walking around in it.

Spraying water from your garden hose will repel the coyote as well. If you feel that your water hose does not have a powerful trajectory, you can purchase something like the Orbit 62100 Yard Enforcer Motion-Activated Sprinkler that will spray the coyotes with a strong beam of water… plus, it’s motion-activated as well! 

It will startle the coyote with a sudden and strong burst of water. It will not hurt the coyote, but it sure will scare the animal away!

Let’s Recap!

You have learned eight steps that will scare away coyotes. All of these techniques are safe to use and are quite effective. Let’s quickly review to make sure you know exactly what to do if those unwanted coyotes come wandering back!

Technique #1 – Make noise by waving your arms and hands and yelling loudly. Be confident and let the coyote know who the boss is.

Technique #2 – Use objects to make noise. You can grab them from inside your house or buy them online.

  • Pots and pans from your kitchen
  • Whistles
  • Horns

Technique #3 – Build a fence. This takes time but is one of the best methods. Then add extensions like the coyote roller.

Technique #4 – Remove all outdoor food and water sources. Be sure to feed your pets, and once they’re done eating, safely store the food inside your home.

Technique #5 – Coyotes hate loud sounds and bright lights. Like many wildlife, these things are too harsh for their ears and eyes. Use tools like these to help you:

  • Solar lights
  • Common holiday lights or strobe lights

Technique #6 – Smells can work too! Things that do not smell good to coyotes are:

  • Predator urine
  • Ammonia-soaked rags 
  • Perfume and cologne

Technique #7 – Throw things like rocks, stones, and strong bursts of water. Use your own water house or buy a powerful jet streamer.

Give these different techniques and steps a try. At least one is sure to work for you in keeping your space well-protected from coyotes. 

If there is one step that doesn’t work, try another. If there is something highly effective, stick with that.

The absolute best way to deter coyotes is to combine several different techniques and to change up your methods frequently.

If you’re ever unsure about a coyote, let the professionals handle it! Check out our nationwide pest control finder to get connected with a wildlife pro near you in seconds! Using our partner network helps support pestpointers.com.


Gehrt, S.D., & Rodewald, A.D. (2008). Preventing and Controlling Coyote Problems.

University of California Agriculture & Natural Resources. Coyote. http://ipm.ucanr.edu/PMG/PESTNOTES/pn74135.html

DeCalesta, D. S., & Cropsey, M. G. (1978). Field test of a coyote-proof fence. Wildlife Society Bulletin (1973-2006), 6(4), 256-259.

Gates, N. L., Rich, J. E., Godtel, D. D., & Hulet, C. V. (1978). Development and evaluation of anti coyote electric fencing. Rangeland Ecology & Management/Journal of Range Management Archives, 31(2), 151-153.

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