11 Plants You Need In Your Garden To Keep Mice Away

Cute harvest mice micromys minutus on wheat stalk with neutral green nature background

Gardens, a source of joy and pride for many of us, can sometimes face unexpected visitors such as mice. These little creatures might be cute, but they can wreak havoc on your beautiful plants and potentially damage your property. Luckily, there are natural ways to repel these unwelcome guests and protect your garden without resorting to harsh chemicals or inhumane traps.

From strategically placing certain plants that mice naturally avoid, to employing physical barriers and non-toxic repellents, having a variety of options is a great way to safeguard your gardens. In addition to these methods, leveraging predators like birds of prey and cats can be an effective and eco-friendly way to control the mouse population. Understanding how each technique works, along with their proper application and placement, can make all the difference when battling against these little nuisances.

Key Takeaways:

  • Incorporate plants that naturally deter mice, such as lavender and mint, into your garden.
  • Create physical barriers and utilize non-toxic repellents, like peppermint oil or ultrasonic devices, to keep mice away.
  • Encourage predators, like cats or birds of prey, to visit your garden as a natural form of pest control.

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Identifying Mice in the Garden

Oh deer! You may have spotted some mice in your garden, but it happened so quickly it’s hard to be sure. Let’s dive into how you can of identify signs of mice in the garden.

Damage Caused by Mice

Don’t let their small size fool you; mice can actually cause significant damage to your garden plants! Hare are some examples of what these rodents can do:

  • Nibbling: Mice have been known to nibble away at seeds, roots, and the tender parts of your plants.
  • Bark stripping: They may strip away the bark from trees and shrubs, potentially harming the plant’s health.
  • Tunnels and holes: You might notice these tunneling rodents causing unsightly holes all around your garden.

Signs of Mouse Nests

Mice are quite good at hiding, but there are still some signs that can help you locate their nests. Keep an eye out for the following:

  • Shredded materials: Mice gather materials like leaves, grass, and twigs to build their nests.
  • Hidden spots: Look in concealed, tight spaces around your garden, such as under rocks, in woodpiles, or close to walls.
  • Gnawed holes: If you find gnawed holes in garden structures or plants, it’s a telltale sign that mice have built their nest nearby.

Remember, being discrete allows mice to stay safe from predators so mice are careful to remain unseen. You’ll have to look closely and pay attention to detect their signs in the garden.

Burrow Detection

Believe it or not, spotting their burrows in the garden can actually be quite simple:

  1. Hole sizes: These subterranean homes typically have entry and exit holes that are about 1 to 1.5 inches in diameter.
  2. Surface-level burrows: Mice often create dug-out pathways that run just below the surface of your garden. Look for raised ridges in the soil.
  3. Feces: Keep an eye out for small, dark droppings near suspected burrow sites.

Now you know how to identify those pesky rodents in your garden! With the proper knowledge of mice damage, nests, and burrows, you’re on your way to mouse-proofing your garden using natural methods efficiently.

Natural Repellents To Keep Mice Out Of Your Garden

thyme, mint, and oregano in raised garden bed

Mint, Lavender, and other Aromatic Plants

Think about planting mint, lavender, and other aromatic plants like rosemary, thyme, sage, and basil in your garden! These plants possess natural aromatic compounds, that are scientifically known to repel mice from your garden.

Other plants that can repel mice include:

PlantAdditional Benefits
CitronellaMosquito repellent
CloverNitrogen fixation, low-maintenance ground cover
Garlic/OnionsCooking ingredients
CitrusFruit production
LavenderPleasant aroma
CatnipAttracts cats
PeppermintFresh scent
SpearmintMinty fragrance
LemongrassRepels mosquitoes
DaffodilsAesthetic appeal
WintergreenEvergreen plant, strong fragrance

Not only do they add a wonderful scent to your garden, but they also deter the pesky rodents with their strong odors. Make sure you plant these in key areas around your vegetable beds, as this will help keep the mice away from your precious crops.

Essential Oils for Mouse Repellent

Essential oils made from aromatic plants like peppermint, lavender, and rosemary can also be a great natural way to keep mice away. Scientists at Chulalongkorn University showed that plant oils including wintergreen oil, peppermint oil, bergamot oil and geranium oil all deterred rodents like rats when they were applied.

Here’s a simple method to use them essential oils to deter mice from your garden:

  1. Mix a few drops of the essential oil with water in a spray bottle.
  2. Spray the mixture around your garden, especially where you have witnessed rodent activity.
  3. Reapply the mixture every few days or after rain to maintain the effectiveness.

Vegetable Garden Companions

Companion planting in your garden can work wonders to keep mice away too! For example:

  • Plant onions, garlic, and chives near your lettuce, peas, and carrots to deter mice from these popular nibble spots.
  • Mix in fragrant plants like sage, basil, and mint among your vegetables, creating a natural barrier that mice find hard to breach.

Remember, your goal is to create a garden that is not just visually appealing but also acts as a natural mice deterrent. Implementing these natural repellents in your garden will ensure you have a safe, enjoyable space without the need for harsh chemicals or traps.

Physical Barriers and Traps Around Your Garden

Types of Mouse Traps

When it comes to trapping those pesky mice, there are a few options for you! Snap traps are a tried-and-true method. Just make sure to use gloves when handling the traps! Humane options such as live catch traps can also help you out with your furry garden invaders. Remember to check them frequently to avoid unintentionally trapping anything.

Baits for Traps

Here are some bait ideas to lure those little critters into your traps:

  • Peanut butter: It’s not just for humans! Mice find it irresistible too!
  • Chocolate: Who doesn’t love a sweet treat? Mice certainly do!
  • Seeds or nuts: These are a natural part of a mouse’s diet – perfect for catching them off guard

Remember, the key is to mix it up, so don’t be afraid to get creative with your bait choices!

Fencing and Garden Mesh

A robust fencing system can prevent rodents from entering your garden. Secure all the borders of your garden with materials like metal mesh or wire fencing. Height is also crucial – mice can’t jump over tall fences as easily! Digging a trench around your garden and placing mesh in it will also deter burrowing rodents.

Here are some quick tips about fencing:

  • Height: Aim for at least 2 ft tall fences to keep mice at bay.
  • Material: Metal mesh or wire fencing is durable and effective.
  • Trenching: Dig a trench around your garden and bury the mesh to prevent burrowing.

You’ll be one step closer to a mice-free garden by following these tips! And remember, always be on the lookout for new ideas to ensure your garden stays protected. Good luck!

Predators to Keep Mice Away

beautiful cat fun and cleverly plays with the captured mouse in the summer garden

Outdoor Cats

Did you know that cats, especially outdoor ones, can be super effective mouse deterrents in your garden? Having an outdoor cat around means those furry little rascals will think twice before sneaking into your precious garden spaces, since cats are natural predators. Have a feline friend at home? An occasional prowl in your garden will do wonders!


Another helpful predator to keep mice away from your garden are birds, the feathered friends above! Many bird species, such as owls, hawks, and even some songbirds, have a taste for mice.

You can attract birds to your garden by providing nesting boxes. While bird feeders can attract more birds, seeds that fall to the ground can be a food source for mice so we don’t recommend them.

Attracting more birds creates diverse garden ecosystem and helps to naturally repel mice and other pests. No need for chemicals!

Other Natural Predators

In addition to cats and birds, there are several other natural predators that can help in keeping mice at bay:

  • Snakes: Although some might find them a bit scary, garter snakes are an important ally for gardeners combating mice. Their presence can be encouraged by creating shelter spaces using rocks or logs in the garden.
  • Foxes: Just like our cat friends, foxes are excellent hunters! Building a fox-friendly habitat nearby your garden might turn your mice problem into a thing of the past. Just remember to be respectful of the natural balance in your area.
  • Predatory insects: Sometimes the smallest creatures can make the biggest impact. Insects such as large preying mantises can help protect your garden by snacking on garden intruders including mice!

Remember, a garden filled with diversity and natural life is not only beautiful but also a mighty weapon against pesky rodents!

Alternative Methods

Food Source Reduction

To keep mice away from your garden, focus on food source reduction. Mice are drawn to gardens with abundant food sources. So, let’s not give them a reason to visit, shall we?

Ensure your garden is clean by promptly removing fallen fruit, vegetables, and seeds. Seal your compost bins tightly and store pet food in secure containers. By reducing the food available to these pesky rodents, they will need to find their dinner elsewhere!

DIY Repellent Mixtures

Feeling creative? Let’s explore some DIY repellent mixtures that can help keep mice away from your garden.

  1. Garlic, onions, and cayenne pepper: These strong-smelling ingredients could scare mice away! Mix equal parts crushed garlic, chopped onions, and cayenne pepper in a spray bottle with water. Apply this mixture to the perimeter of your garden once a week to keep those unwanted guests at bay.
  2. White vinegar and baking soda: Combine 1 cup of white vinegar with 1 cup of baking soda in a spray bottle. Then, spray the mixture around the garden’s edge. The smell of vinegar is a natural deterrent for mice, while the fizzy reaction could confuse their senses!
  3. Coffee grounds: Are you a coffee lover? Put your used coffee grounds to work in your garden. Sprinkle coffee grounds around your plants to deter mice. Not only will it help keep those rodents away, but it can also add nutrients to your soil.

If you’d rather purchase a mouse repellent, check out Mighty Mint Rodent Repellent. It’s designed to repel rodents like mice and it’s all natural! The main ingredient is peppermint so it smells nice too!

Remember, the key to successfully repelling mice from your garden is consistency. Reapply your DIY repellents regularly and make sure to maintain a clean garden environment.


To protect your garden from unwanted rodent visitors, it’s wise to employ natural strategies that are both environmentally friendly and effective. In our research, we’ve found several methods worth considering:

  • Mint: Planting mint around your garden can deter mice, as they are not fans of its strong scent. Place mint plants around the edges of your garden to create a natural barrier.
  • Predator urine: Sprinkling predator urine, such as from a fox, may help to scare off mice! Be sure to reapply after heavy rainfall.

But wait, there’s more:

  • Peppermint oil: Similar to mint plants, mice dislike the scent of peppermint oil. Soak cotton balls in the oil and place them strategically throughout your garden.
  • Humane traps: Opt for traps that safely capture and release mice without causing harm. Just remember to check them frequently and release the mouse far from your property.

Lastly, two more tips for good measure:

  • Birds of prey: Attracting natural predators, like owls, can help control the mouse population. Install an owl nesting box in your yard to encourage them.
  • Raised garden beds: By elevating your garden, you make it harder for mice to access your plants. Consider raised beds as a long-term solution.

All of these methods should be used in combination for the best results. Additionally, keep the area surrounding your garden neat to avoid giving mice a place to hide. With these techniques, you’ll be on your way to a mouse-free garden paradise!

How to pest proof your home in under a day e-book by Zack DeAngelis

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